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Electrical Inspections Versus Tune-Ups

Image of technician working with electrical. Electrical Inspections Versus Tune-Ups.

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Your Huntington home electrical system works hard to support your lifestyle. That’s why occasional inspections and tune-ups are a must for preserving your home’s value.

Preventative maintenance allows your electrician to fix small imperfections in your electrical system before they turn into larger problems. This protects you from costly repairs and safety hazards.

During visits, your electrician can also identify ways for you to save money on your utility bill. 

Residential, commercial, and industrial customers each account for roughly one-third of the nation’s electricity use, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Collaborate with HomeOps for all your electrical needs—you’ll save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Together, we can keep New York beautiful.

What To Know About Electrical Inspections

The two types of electrical maintenance visits are inspections and tune-ups.

During an electrical inspection, your electrician will ensure your home meets safety standards. They will check off every box on the National Electric Code (NEC). The NEC is a set of legal guidelines that licensed electricians must follow. These measures protect your home from fire hazards.

You should schedule an inspection once every five years. If your house was built 40 years ago or longer, you may want to have more frequent inspections. You should also have an inspection anytime you move, have a major renovation, or purchase a new appliance.

Here are some of the things your specialist will look at during an electrical inspection:

Circuit Interrupters 

Your electric panel has a key mechanism that protects your home from electric fires—circuit interrupters. That’s why it’s crucial for your electrician to examine them. There are two types: AFCI’s (arc-fault circuit-interrupters) and GFCI’s (ground-fault circuit-interrupters). When these devices detect arcing (visible “zaps” or flashes), the electric circuit gets interrupted.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors

Smoke and CO alarms are loud and annoying for good reason—to keep you safe. That’s why your electrician will ensure they are operating correctly and placed in the right areas. 

Panel Labeling and Configuration

The panel is the brain of your electric system. You want to ensure you have the proper setup, particularly if you’ve just moved. Your electrician will inspect for any issues or mislabeling, and prescribe a follow-up appointment if necessary.

Outlets and Light Switches 

Are your outlets up to date and safe? You’ll find out once your electrician looks them over. To meet safety standards, you may need to upgrade to a tamper-resistant (TR) outlet or GFCI. These improvements will make your New York home much safer, especially for young children. 

High Wattage Appliances

The wiring behind your refrigerator or air conditioner rarely sees the light of day. That’s why problems may go unnoticed. Your high-wattage appliances need attention from an electrician to ensure your home security and energy efficiency are up to snuff. 

Shock Risks

Electrical shocks are a serious threat. Your electrician will check for frayed wiring, poor craftsmanship, or any other hazards that put you at risk. 

What to Know About Electrical Tune-Ups

While electrical inspections protect you from future problems, tune-ups will remedy the electrical problems you’re currently facing.

If your system has been damaged by a water leak or a blown fuse, schedule a tune-up. Your electrician can also fix problems like poorly installed/manufactured wiring and insufficient power. If you have any electrical problems, don’t wait—schedule a tune-up immediately. 

Call HomeOps for Quick and Reliable Electrical Service Today 

Need an expert installation, tune-up, or inspection? Let a HomeOps electrician assist you. Call our Huntington, NY office at 631-509-2000 or request service online today.